Demonstration of Attaching justtach endoscope holder to microscope and ees
Endoscopic Management of Extensive Cholesteatoma & reconstruction with our endoscope holder
Endoscopic two handed Revision extensive cholesteatoma surgery by endaural inside out approach with cartilage vertical strut ossiculoplasty with soft wall reconstruction by conchal cartilage at dr khan's ENT research centre,using khan's Endoscope Holder and slicer "Slice it"
middle ear and mastoidscopy wirh 45 degree 3 mm endoscope after removal of cholesteatoma by endoscopic two handed attico antrostomy
Two handed Endoscopic type 1 sliced cartilage (0.4 mm) with perichondrium reinforcement Tympanoplasty using Justtach (khan's Endoscope holder and Slice it (khan's cartilage slicer)
Two handed Endoscopic Coblation Tonsillectomy using khan's Endoscope holder
Tympanoplasty Endoscopic Sliced Cartilage with Justtach & Slice it
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